About The Durgashiva  Foundation

Durgashiva Foundation:

                       This organization is an independent religious, cultural, social and educational service organization. The basic objective of this organization is to build a huge 128 feet Durga Shiva idol and meditation temple and serve the welfare of human life and nature from all dimensions. For tens of years before the establishment of this institution, Sri Gurus taught Yoga, Meditation, Spirituality, Astrology, KP Astrology, Numerology, Indian Antiquities, Pyramid Architecture, Feng Shui Architecture, Arudha, Swarnarudha, Ashtamanga Prasnashastra, Kavade, Ratnashastra, Yantra, Mantra, Tantrashastra, Veda, Agama Purohita, Devataradhana, Upasana and Inner Science and Technology have traditionally studied and taught all these vidyas. Get initiated by the guru and study, practice and research Vedic and scientific This science is for the welfare of human life and nature with the great purpose of imparting knowledge to the next generation of human beings and after observing that human life and nature are on the path of destruction, they guide their students with the desire of universal welfare and get guidance and benefit from it.With the cooperation of experienced disciples and like-minded team, “Sri Gurus” at every stage along with the disciples and like-minded people are with everyone towards the purpose and goal of the organization with love, awareness and laughter.


          They are Yoga, Meditation, Spirituality, Astrology, KP Astrology Numerology, Indian Ancient Vastu, Pyramid Vastu, Feng Shui Vastu, Arudha, Swarnarudha, Ashtamangala Questionnaire, Kavade, Shakuna, Ratnashastra, Yantra, Mantra, Tantrashastra, Veda, Agama Priesthood, Devataradhana, Upasana and Study, achieve and research Vedic and scientific by being initiated by the gurus who have traditionally studied and taught all these forms of inner science and technology.This foundation was established with the great aim of imparting knowledge to the next human generation for the welfare of human life and nature and at every stage “Sri Guru” has been with everyone towards the purpose and goal of this institution and has guided and guided this foundation with love, awareness and laughter.


                     This organization is an independent religious, cultural, social and educational service organization. The basic objective of this organization is to build a huge 128 feet Durga Shiva idol and meditation temple and serve the welfare of human life and nature from all dimensions. For tens of years before the establishment of this institution, Sri Gurus taught Yoga, Meditation, Spirituality, Astrology, KP Astrology, Numerology, Indian Antiquities, Pyramid Architecture, Feng Shui Architecture, Arudha, Swarnarudha, Ashtamanga Prasnashastra, Kavade, Ratnashastra, Yantra, Mantra, Tantrashastra, Veda, Agama Purohita, Devataradhana, Upasana and Inner Science and Technology have traditionally studied and taught all these vidyas. Get initiated by the guru and study, practice and research Vedic and scientific This science is for the welfare of human life and nature with the great purpose of imparting knowledge to the next generation of human beings and after observing that human life and nature are on the path of destruction, they guide their students with the desire of universal welfare and get guidance and benefit from it.With the cooperation of experienced disciples and like-minded team, “Sri Gurus” at every stage along with the disciples and like-minded people are with everyone towards the purpose and goal of the organization with love, awareness and laughter.

Our Mission

Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu Vishwa Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu

Our Vision

If you have humility, victory is yours; if you have patience, everything is yours, your own life is your own creation. “Your Life Your Making” .

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