Durgashiva Gurukula


            Vaastu Shastra is a science which helps in constructing house, building, temple, palace, lake, Bhavi etc. according to nature (based on Panchabhutas) artificially for human welfare based on measurement based on scientific measurement and geometry of nature. Based on this, it is a science that is good for humans and nature.


           Purohitake purada (village, city, town) means the guardian of the welfare of the people. We have housewarming, marriage, christening, deity installation and tens of pooja, initiation homa havans will be done and given.


              Astrology is a guide not a panacea. Astrology is a science for the welfare of man and nature. Chronology is the science of determining the events of past, present and future times of nature and human development. A person’s birth is a diksuchi that shows the pros and cons of a person’s next life based on the karmic results of subsequent births. Altogether this Shastra is a guiding Shastra for human and world welfare.


          It is a science that tells about the mysterious events of the past, present and future based on some of the things of human and nature. This Shastra is a Shastra that answers certain logical questions from supernatural forces.

Yantra Mantra Tantra Shastra

           This Shastra is a Shastra for the good of nature. Shastra is a technology of artificially producing mundane and supernatural energies. The science of creating and destroying amazingly awesome power with this technology.


        This Shastra is a Shastra for the welfare of man and nature. From this science it is a science that helps to treat the difference in human health.

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